Alimiyyah Program
The Alimiyyah program is a full-time, advanced Islamic studies course taught by accredited teachers. This course is about 6-7 years long. In this course students learn a variety of subjects including but not limited to: Arabic Sarf and Nahw, Tajweed, Hadith, Fiqh, Urdu, Farsi, Seerah, Aqidah, and Tareekh. The full time offering of this program requires a great deal of commitment and is not recommended for those interesting in learning general Islamic knowledge. For those who cannot commit to a full time schedule, there is part-time version of the course with less content taught weekly.
If you would like more information regarding this program feel free to visit the Madrassah or send us an email with your inquiry.
First Steps To Understanding Arabic by Moulana Hashim Muhammad
10 Lessons of Arabic by ‘Aamir Bashir
First Steps to Understanding Sard by Moulana Hashim Muhammad
Acent to Felicity translated by Faraz A. Khan
First Steps to Understanding Urdu by Moulana Hashim Muhammad
Achi Batein (اچھی باتیں) by Hakeem Sharafat Husain Rahim Abadi
Correcting Our Beliefs by Moulana Moosa Kaji
Thamaratul Aqaaid by Maulana Samiruddin Qasmi
Arbi Adab
Qasas an Nabiyeen vol. 1-3 by Moulana Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi
Al Tareeqatul Asariyya Vol. 1-2 by Moulana Dr. Abdurrazzak Iskander
Zad At-Talibeen by Moulana Ashiq Ilahi Madni
Mufeed Ut Talibeen by Moulana Muhammed Ahsan Siddiqi
Ettiquettes for Students by Moulana Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi Saahib
Legacy of the Ulema of Deoband by Moulana Musa Kaji
33 Reasons for Tutorship by Moulana Muhammad H Abasoomer
Hidayat un Nahw
Ilm us Segha by Mufti Inayat Ahmad
Nurul Eedaah by Imam Hassan bin Ali al-Shurunbulali
Usul ul Fiqh
Usul al-Fiqh Made Easy by Moulana Khalid Sayfullah Rahmani
Mabadi ul Usool by Mawlana Sa'id Ahmad Palanpuri
Riyadus Saliheen by Imam Nawawi
Usul Hadith
Usul al-Hadith Made Easy by Moulana Khalid Sayfullah Rahmani
Arabi Adab
Qasas un Nabiyeen Vol 4. by Moulana Abul Hasan Ali Hasani Nadwi
Tajweed for Beginners
Tarikh/ Seerah
Prophet of Mercy by Moulana Abul Hassan Ali Nadwi
The History of the Four Calpihs by Shaykh Muhammad al-Khudari Bak al-Bajuri
فارسی کی پہلی کتاب
فارسی بول چال
فارسی زبان کا آسان قاعدہ
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